If you’re considering getting a flu vaccine, watch this first.
Pediatricians raise concern over HPV Vaccine
The American College of Pediatricians has issued the statement below regarding their concerns about the HPV vaccine and a serious condition called premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature menopause. 1.26.16-New-Concerns-about-the-HPV-vaccine
CDC, Vaccines and Autism
Ben Swann and Truth in Media put together the video below about the CDC covering up the link between vaccines and autism. Click here to view video
CDC Investigates Itself on #CDCwhistleblower
Below are excerpts from an article on The Age Of Autism on Congressman William Posey’s attempt to get Congress to investigate the allegations from Dr. William Thompson that study data connecting vaccines with autism was trashed. CDC Investigates Itself on #CDCwhistleblower Fraud Charges and Then Declines to Share Results with Congress by Ginger Taylor After the blockbuster…
Ben Swann Covers Whistleblower Story
Reality Check: CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed By Ben Swann – Oct 29, 2015 Just days ago over 100 protesters gathered outside of the Centers for Disease Control offices in Atlanta demanding transparency when it comes to vaccines. So are these people conspiracy theorists, or did they have good…
Republican Debate and Vaccines
Increase of Autism in Illinois
School Vaccine Exemption Information
The new vaccine religious exemption requirement of having a certificate of exemption signed by a health care provider for kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade will go into effect beginning October 16, 2015 according to the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) click link to read IDPH statement. This means that for the start of the school year…
New Meningitis Vaccine Requirement
August 6, 2015 Back-to-School shots: Be prepared Parents and guardians need to question the back-to-school meningitis vaccine for 6th and 12th grade girls and boys, signed by Gov. Pat Quinn Aug. 16, 2013.. Why now, 2 years later? Here are questions for your health professional, school authority and Springfield representative and senator: 1) Why have…
SB 1410 enacted into Law – Public Act 099-0249
Below is an excerpt of Public Act 099-0249 as it pertains to school vaccine exemptions. (8) Children of parents or legal guardians who object to health, dental, or eye examinations or any part thereof, to immunizations, or to vision and hearing screening tests on religious grounds shall not be required to undergo the examinations, tests, or immunizations to which…