PLEASE SHARE EVERYWHERE ASAP! Do you want a MANDATORY COVID-19 Vaccination in IL and an Immunization Data Registry run by the Illinois Department of Public Health? On Monday, March 15th, at 2:00 pm, the Senate Health Committee (Senator Julie Morrison, Chair) is holding a subject matter hearing regarding Covid-19 Vaccinations in Illinois. File a witness slip as an OPPONENT to this Hearing preventing legislation removing our medical freedoms in Illinois. You can file a Witness Slip for each member of your family. Directions are below. Please file before 2 pm, Monday, March 15. Click HERE to file a Witness Slip to the Covid-19 Hearing. If you have not already signed Witness Slips for HB347 and SB582 which pertain to mandatory vaccine tracking in Illinois, please do so now. Both bills were to have hearings last week but have been put off until the coming week. We are OPPONENTS of both bills. HB347 – Requires all providers to report to vaccine registry, eliminates ability to exempt from tracking. HB347 WITNESS SLIP: Click here to complete your Witness Slips in OPPOSITION of HB347 by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, March 16th. SB582– Mandates vaccine providers report to the vaccine tracking/ registry, removes the ability to refuse. SB582 WITNESS SLIP: Click here to complete your Witness Slips in OPPOSITION of SB582 by 9:00 am on Tuesday, March 16th. Directions for filling out Witness Slips 1) Under Section I, fill in your identification information. For “Firm”, fill out your organization if you are representing one or write “self” if you are representing yourself. You can also fill in My Family, My Children, or N/A. For title you can “self”. 2) Under Section II, fill out your organization if you are representing one or write “self” if you are representing yourself. You can also fill in My Family, My Children, or N/A. 3) In Section III, select “OPPONENT” 4) In Section IV, select “Record of Appearance Only”. 5) Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement. 6) Select the “Create Slip” button. Thank you for taking action and supporting freedom in Illinois. |