4/21/21 – Hearing scheduled for 4/22/2021 at 9.00 am. Call today or email and sign witness slips.
Instructions for Witness Slips -Fill out Name and address etc. For Firm or Title put “self”; Representation put “self”; and for Position- Important – Select – OPPONENT; For Testimony select “Record of Appearance Only”
4/20/21 – HB347 sent to Human Service Committee for 2nd Amendment
Call members below stating unless they put back in the right to opt-out of vaccine tracking for vaccine recipients and vaccine administrators, this bill violates both the federal HIPPA privacy laws and the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. This Act states, “It shall be unlawful for any person, public or private institution, or public official to discriminate against any person in any manner, including but not limited to, licensing, hiring, promotion, … or any other privileges, because of such person’s conscientious refusal to receive, obtain, accept … or participate in any way in any particular form of health care services contrary to his or her conscience” (emphasis added).”
Rep. Ann Moehler (Chairperson) D – (217) 782-8020; staterepmoeller@gmail.com
Rep. Lindsey LaPointe (Vice Chairperson) D – (217) 782-8400; RepLaPointe@gmail.com
Rep. Norine K. Hammond (Rep. Spokesperson) R -(217) 782-0416; rephammond@macomb.com
Rep. Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. – D -(217) 782-8117; info@staterep40.com
Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy – D-(217) 782-8088; repcassidy@gmail.com
Rep. Lakesia Collins -D-(217) 782-8116; office@lakesiacollins.com
Rep. Tom Demmer -R-(217) 782-0535; demmer@ilhousegop.org
Rep. Mary E. Flowers -D- (217) 782-4207; state.repflowers@comcast.net
Rep. Robyn Gabel – D – (217) 782-8052; staterepgabel@robyngabel.com
Rep. Amy Grant – R- (217) 558-1037; grant@ilhousegop.org
Rep. Jackie Haas – R- (217) 782-5981; https://www.ilhousegop.org/contacthaas
Rep. Charles Meier – R- (217) 782-6401; repcmeier@gmail.com
Rep. Bob Morgan -D- (217) 782-0902; info@repbobmorgan.com
Rep. Suzanne Ness -D- (217) 782-0432; info@repsnessil66.com
Rep. Tom Weber -R- (217) 782-1664; weber@ilhousegop.org