HR762 — RESTORE VACCINE MAKER LIABILITY RESOLUTION — Hearing Scheduled for March 4th, 8:30 am in the Civil Procedure Subcommittee.
Please call the members of the Civil Procedure Subcommittee and ask them to vote “YES” on HR768 – Restoring Vaccine Maker’s Liability. There are only three members. Email them: 10 FACTS EVERY PARENT (AND EVERY ILLINOIS LEGISLATOR) NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT VACCINATIONS
SubChairman :Representative André Thapedi (D)
Sprgfld – (217) 782-1702; Chicago (773) 581-9250
Representative Thaddeus Jones (D)
Sprgfld – (217) 782-8087; South Holland – (708) 596-7053
Representative Margo McDermed (R)
Springfield – (217) 782-0424; Frankfort – (815) 277-2079
To View Witness Slips and File Witness Slips for HB762: At the House Hearing Page, click on HR762 filed by David A. Welter – Feds-Vaccine Lawsuit
How to complete your witness slips:
For “Firm” and “Representation”, you can put “Self” or IVAC. For “Position”, choose “PROPONENT“. For “Testimony”, choose Record of Appearance Only.
We are the fourth state to file this Resolution — let’s be the first state to pass it!
Talking Points: 10 Facts to Know About Vaccines
1. Vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers cannot be held liable for vaccine injuries. . In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act freeing companies from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines—“no matter how toxic the ingredients, how negligent the manufacturer or how grievous the harm.”
The U.S. vaccine schedule has more than tripled since the 1986 Act.
2. 54% of American children have serious chronic health conditions as opposed to 12% before liability was taken away.
3. A growing body of peer-reviewed animal and human studies link childhood chronic illness epidemics to vaccines .
4. Vaccines CAN and DO cause injuries. The message that vaccine injuries are rare is not supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.
5. Post-licensure vaccine safety surveillance is failing the American people and children around the world.
6. None of the vaccines on the U.S. CDC recommended childhood vaccine schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo in clinical trials.
7. HHS has ignored its statutory obligations to study vaccine injuries and improve vaccine safety.
8. Vaccines are neither completely safe nor effective and the concept of ‘herd immunity’ is a myth.
9. CDC Vaccine-ResearcherTurned-Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, Ph.D. was denied the ability to testify regarding scientific fraud and destruction of evidence by senior CDC officials in critical CDC vaccine safety studies regarding an association between childhood vaccines and autism.
10. Conflicts of interest undermine children’s health. CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program. Further, Pharma directly funds, populates and controls dozens of CDC programs through the CDC Foundation.