Contact your Illinois Senator and House Representative and tell them to vote no on HJR0026, HR144 and all bills limiting vaccine exemptions.
Status of HJR0026 Status of HR144 (Both of these resolutions contain the same language)
Sponsored by Rep. Michael J. Zalewski (D)
Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael P. McAuliffe (R)
Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Robyn Gabel (D)
Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Greg Harris (D)
House Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Elaine Nekritz (D)
House Referred to Rules Committee
HJR0026 Synopsis As Introduced
Encourages the Illinois Department of Public Health to promulgate administrative rules pursuant to the requirement for health examinations and immunizations within the School Code and to expedite this process in order to have such rules in place for the 2015-16 school year.
House Assigned to Human Services Committee
Chairperson : Robyn Gabel (D)
Vice-Chairperson : Litesa E. Wallace (D)
Republican Spokesperson : Patricia R. Bellock (R)
Member: Carol Ammons (D)
Member: Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. (D)
Member: Kelly M. Cassidy (D)
Member: Tom Demmer (R)
Member: Laura Fine (D)
Member: Mary E. Flowers (D)
Member: Norine Hammond (R)
Member: Sheri L Jesiel (R)
Member: Cynthia Soto (D)
Member: Brian W. Stewart (R)
Member: Michael Unes (R)