Please contact your Illinois District Representative  asap and tell them to vote NO on SB1410and SB986.
Forward the following linked article explaining why SB986 is flawed and needs to be amended with a religious exemption. Related article: Letter from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD in Immunology responding to vaccine legislation.

Vaccine choice leads to safer vaccines for all of Illinois children.

Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition members remain concerned re SB1410 and SB986 for the following reasons:


1) No identification of local school authority

2) No available Illinois Department of Public Health objection form and definition of “detailing grounds”

3) No answer to question:: Is child in compliance for school-state funding if child has a personal religious belief objection?

4) No answer to: Why are you changing the 1995 legal opinion of Illinois Director cf Public Health,   John Lumpkin, M.D.P.?

5) No response to two letters for Sen. Mulroe


1) No exemption for personal religious beliefs

2) No information on tetanus-diphtheria–acellular pertussis (TdaP) in manufacturer’s package insert re possible harm to a pregnant woman or TdaP’s effect on reproduction capacity

3) No timeline for 2 doses of MMR

4) no mention of adverse reactions, i..e., autism (“Adverse events reported during post=approval…”

5) no evaluation “for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.”

6) the vial stopper “contains dry natural rubber that may cause allergic reactions in latex sensitive individuals.”

7) no response from Sen. Radagno after 2 phone calls to her legislative assistant.

*quotes are from vaccine package inserts